Kendall has been so funny lately. Some days she wants to be all dolled up with her hat, sunglasses, dress and purse. Then others she wants to be naked and jump all over things. It's so much fun to see their personalities come out and see their imagination work.
Here is the latest on Becca...quick history first. The pediatrician has been watching Becca's stomach because it has always seemed to be distended/bloated. So about a month and a half ago they did a ultrasound on her belly and found that she has an enlarged spleen and liver. So then they did blood work and found that her liver enzymes were high for like 4 weeks straight. So her pediatrician sent them to a specialist at Children's hospital and he wanted to do a biopsy to get more definite answers. Last week they did the biopsy and it went well. They get the results this Thursday and will know more definite answers to her problems. It's just weird because she is a perfectly happy kid who loves to play and be normal so you wouln't even know anything was wrong. So just keep praying. The biopsy doctor said at a quick glance at the sample it didn't look good and even mentioned the word transplant in a sentance so Jake and Betsy are a bit worried with good reason. So please keep them all in prayer. I'll try to get a picture of her up so that you can put a face to a name.
Oh man, that's not good news. I'll definitely be praying. Keep me updated! Any news on the house search?
How is everybody doing? Is Trevor back?
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