Kendall loves her bath. We have given her a bath almost every night since she was born just as a part of her night time routine to make her more sleepy. We found this robe that I think we got for her baby shower and it fits her so good now and she loves to wear it. Also notice the hair is growing in! Maybe I can put it in a ponytail soon. Ha yeah right.
Here is a little update on Becca. They had their appointment to go over the biopsy results and the doctor said her liver is damaged about a 3-4 on a scale of 1-4 (4 being the worst) and also a 3-4 on the inflamation scale as well. But they still don't know what is causing it all for sure. They sent some results and more bloodwork down to Pittsburg to a liver specialist so now they are waiting on the results from that. The doctor here though thought that if it was caught and stopped here soon that she would go on to live a normal healthy life and that there is enough good liver still left to keep and regenerate. So I'll still keep you posted but keep praying that it turns out to be a good diagnosis or at least easy to fix.
Kendall is so cute! We are doing great Grey's cast comes off in 12 days. We are going to do some fun things to celebrate. I am praying for Becca. I hope they find out soon what is going on. God Bless!!
Katie M
She looks adorable in her little robe!!! Loved the mohawk too!! Pretty scary about Becca but I will pray that they can fix it and it regenerates opposed to the alternative!! I will call soon!
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