Here is the latest on Becca Burns. They finally thought that they had a disgnosis of Wilson's Disease which is when a person's body can't break down the copper in foods that they eat. So she hasn't been breaking down any copper which has been destroying her liver. So they started the change of diet and they were getting ready to start medicines and meet with the transpant specialist to see if she needed a transplant. Then on Friday a doctor called them that their doctor called for a second opinion and thinks that it could also be something else. So he wants them to come down to see him in Pittsburg ASAP to get come more tests to rule this other option out. So they are sort of back to square one but hopefully meeting this doctor and getting this final test will finally diagnose her disease. Second issue is that they got Rachels (their 8 month old) blood tested to make sure she was doing alright since it could be a one in four chance that she can have something similar and her liver enzymes came back high like Becca's did. Not quite as bad but they are concerned that she might have something as well. So needless to say they are at wits end and not knowing what to do next. Please keep praying for them and the girls. They are doing all they can to stay strong and sane but as you can imagine they are worried about the health of both of their girls. I'll keep you posted and let you know what happens in Pittsburg. Thanks for praying! Here is an older picture of the girls but Becca looks the same.
Thanks for the update Kristy! Please tell Jake and Betsy that I am praying for them and their girls. I didn't even know they had another one!! How cute is that picture.
So crazy!! So Scary!! They will continue to be in my prayers!!
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